Determinants of dioxins and furans in blood of non-occupationally exposed populations living near Portuguese solid waste incinerators

25 апреля 2007 . 16:46

Заводы по термической переработке отходов в Лиссабоне и на острове Мадейра (Португалия) не влияют на уровень диоксинов в крови людей, проживающих поблизости.


Biomonitoring of dioxin body burden, as evaluated by PCDD/F levels in blood, has been carried out in a total of 138 adults from general population living in the vicinity of solid waste incinerators in Portugal. Measurements were performed included in cross-sectional surveys within two Environmental Health Surveillance Programs launched in response to ecotoxicological concern in relation to solid waste incinerators near Lisbon and in Madeira Island. Overall conclusion from first published results is indicative that dioxin exposure of global populations cannot be related to the emissions of these facilities, meaning that dioxin sources control seems to be effective in relation to both incinerators. Main objective of present work was to investigate potential determinants of dioxin levels in the studied populations. Findings from this investigation also suggest that incineration does not impact on dioxin blood levels of nearby residents. Follow-up of a small group of individuals (22) from Lisbon gives preliminary indication on temporal control effectiveness of the Lisbon facility. Regarding comparison between PCDD/F levels from Lisbon and Madeira communities, individuals from Lisbon show higher median PCDD/F levels, likely to be better explained by more highly polluted areas in Lisbon than by eventual differences in dietary habits of the studied groups. In fact, analysis performed on the diet of both groups (not detailed in the present study) does not show a statistically significant difference in relation to any of the most relevant foodstuffs in the context of dioxin exposure. Comparison between Lisbon and Madeira in relation to pattern of the single congeners for PCDD/Fs shows a very similar profile. The highest contributions to the PCDD/Fs toxicity came from 12378-PCDD, 23478-PCDF, Hexa-CDD, 2378-TCDD and Hexa-CDF.

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